Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Recruitment and Selection with Observed Skills â⬠Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Recruitment and Selection with Observed Skills. Answer: Reflection on planning and implementing structured and behavioral job selection I think that observation is an essential skill which enhances the imaginative power of the individuals. Proper observation of the happenings of the surroundings helps the individuals to form new ideas about their existence. Making practical usage of this observation in the performing the basic tasks inculcates self-assessment skills within the individuals (Zimmerman 2013). This aspect partially sets the ground for the main discussion. I personally feel that self assessment skills are applicable for each and every diversified field to which the humans have easy access. Within this, recruitment and selection gains an important position, as it needs refined observation skills for giving employment to the rightful candidate. The motive of the previous sentence establishes essential linkages between the two variables of the subject matter of the assignment. Countering this, the assignment, through a reflective perspective attempts to portray the importance of self-assessment skills on recruitment and selection. Theoretical application towards this interrelationship enlivens the ways and means to enhance the individuality through self assessment (Breaugh 2017). In view of the above perspective, planning is the outcome of observation. Keen observation of the external environment helps the individuals to make concrete plans regarding the performance of the tasks. If I keenly observe what is happen in my surrounding, I would be able to develop plans for carrying out the tasks in an effective and efficient manner. For example, if I consider it from the perspective of an HR, observing the body language and expression of the candidate is crucial in terms of extracting the best out of the preconceived skills, expertise and knowledge. This type of behavior towards the recruitment reflects the presence of systematized approach towards the execution of allocated activities (Miles and Sadler 2014). I think consideration of Kolbs learning cycle would enhance the clarity of the readers regarding the importance of observation skills. The observation skills finds second place in Kolbs learning cycle. This observation is the outcome of concrete experience, which attains success only with the rational application of the possessed ideas, thoughts and concepts. Here, I can develop a counter argument. The stage of reflective observation can be considered as giving words to the visual perception regarding the events occurring in the surrounding (Epstein et al. 2015). If I am a HR manager, penning down the exact happenings of the interview would add value to my reflective observation. However, I need to include each and every detail of the interview process, including the approach of the candidates towards the proposed questions. The other stages of the cycle are abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. Delving deep into the cycle, the stages are interlinked with each other. Here, I can say that an individual can directly conceptualize his experience through the effective application of the observation skills. Observation attains the third place in Gibbs Reflective cycle. Review of both the models equalizes observation and evaluation. Countering this, evaluation is the after effect of observation. Counter arguing this, observation after evaluation sharpens the focus of the individuals (Ouweneel, Le Blanc and Schaufeli 2013). After a thorough review of both these perspectives, I can say that commonality of the word cycle portrays the journey of an individuals life in terms of reflecting upon their performance. This reflection can be considered to add meaning in their existence. Critical reflection to the names of the models, learning is the primary stage and reflection comes much later. Countering this, learning can also be conducted after reflection of the self assessment and identification of the major drawbacks, which acts as an obstacle in my development process. In view of this perspective, learning can be related to the penultimate stage of the Gibbs reflective cycle (Tansley and Tiet ze 2013). I think if this learning is done through observation, my learning graph would be enhanced. Along with Gibbs reflective cycle and Kolbs learning cycle, I feel Schrons approach to reflection is also important in terms of shedding light on my personal development. As a matter of specification, Schron proposes two approaches: one during the action and the other on the action. Reflection can be done for both the actions as well as for separate actions. Reflection on the action is the most common rather than reflection of the action. The commonality of both the perspectives develops a counter argument for the propositions on and in (Rajan 2014). With the in action perspective, I can relate the observation skills. Observing the events of the surroundings makes helps me in attaching evaluation with the actions that I am performing. Evaluating my performance at a frequent interval brings to the forefront the major drawbacks, which acts as an obstacle in my personal development. Exposure of spontaneous attitude in modifying the drawbacks enhances my personality. Reflection of this s pontaneity in the performance of each and every task would take me closer to my professional development as well. On the contrary, reflection after the completion of the tasks also proves beneficial for me in terms of applying my thoughts regarding the reflecting upon my performance. Herein lays the effectiveness of the proposition on. If I perceive these aspects from the viewpoint of HR Manager, adopting a structural approach towards the recruitment and selection process is crucial. Awareness regarding the intensity of following a structure upgrades my personal characteristic traits. I think maturity is an essential component, which needs to be present in terms of applying appropriate observation skills for selecting the rightful candidate. Goals for future development Aording to Good (2014), setting goals is important in terms of making noticeable advancements in life. However, I think at the initial stage, if short term goals are developed, the focus of the individuals would be enhanced. Evaluation is important in terms of judging the effectiveness of the identified and specified goals. Exposure of willingness is extremely important for attaining perfection in the performance of the basic tasks. Consciousness towards evaluation ties goals and development in the same thread. Here I can develop a counter argument stating that setting short term goals improves the focus of the individuals in terms of progressing towards the proper development process. Attaching the aspect with recruitment and selection, I think setting or structure would enable me to carry out the tasks in an efficient and effective manner. As a sequential step, setting short term goals for carrying out these tasks would alter my perspective towards the performance. Inclusion of eva luation within this process would project the major drawbacks, which acts as a barrier in carrying out the tasks with efficiency (Moon 2013). Countering this, if I apply rational thinking while doing the tasks, I would be able to emerge successful in accomplishing the identified and specified goals. If I start from the root, I need to set goals for improving my academic career. Herein, my capabilities in school and college would be a primary element. I think my flexibility in doing challenging tasks would help me to take enduring jobs such as challenging the questions proposed by the Board of Directors. If the panel themselves instruct to counter the questions, then it would not be my disobedience towards their experience. Here setting goals means I would have to gain in-depth knowledge about each and every perspective associated with the interview questions, approaches, strategy among others. From my childhood, I lack confidence in taking concrete decisions. Herein, I need to take a spontaneous decision and evaluate its impact on my rest of the actions. Frequency needs to be maintained in the execution of evaluation. For this, I constantly need to undertake challenging and enduring tasks. Indulging in partnership working would not enhance my individuality. However, I would require help from my colleagues regarding certain tasks. This assistance would act as an agent to expose better performance on my own efforts. Involving the colleagues in the decision making process would bestow upon me several solutions. Here my goal would be to make rational application for selecting the appropriate solution for the betterment of the company as well as the candidates. Within this, I need to set goals regarding the preservation of the individual sentiments of the candidates and the people who work with me. This would reflect my ethical considerations at workplace. Consciousness towards the ethical considerations would qualify me to experiment with others viewpoints. Herein, I need to expose conscious approach regarding calling them for interview. I think inclusion of one to one discussions with the selected candidates in the plans and programs would make me easily approachable among my colleagues and other personnel. Negligent attitude towards rectification of the weaknesses would act as an obstacle for me in terms of progressing towards development. This is a challenge for me in terms of my contribution towards the betterment of the candidates and students as a whole. Goals Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Identifying the weaknesses Sitting in discussions Setting goals First round evaluation Making the necessary changes Making plans Second round evaluation Attending personality development courses Attending communication courses Assessing the personality Final round evaluation Table: Gantt chart for goal setting I think evaluation would be important in terms of assessing the effectiveness of the goals, set for starting the actual action. Plans regarding attending the personality development courses and communication courses are the typical evidence of this fact (Harter 2015). I feel that attending communication courses is itself an agent of enhancing my personality. Speaking fluently in English with the candidates would create a standardized image about me in the minds of the managers as well as the candidates. Silently shaping my personality would be my goal for altering the images about me. On the contrary, if I expose my attempts, I might get deviated from the focus, which would limit my scope and arena for progressing into a proper and effective development. In view of this perspective, I need to take an independent stance for the actions that I perform. Taking the assistance of the materials such as templates, checklists among others would enhance my clarity regarding the goal, which I need to reach. Focused attitude in this direction would mitigate the obscurity regarding the benchmark, within which I have been bounded for validating my employment. Self coloring of the weeks for the identified goals is my confidence regarding emerging successful in proving my capability. I might not be able to accomplish all the goals; however, persistent attempts would prove fruitful for me in terms of achieving most of the goals. Application of keen observance in this direction would bring to the forefront the drawbacks, which I need to modify spontaneously for upgrading my personality. Critical reflection on recruitment and selection process Further knowledge regarding the aspect of goal setting can be achieved through the application of theoretical perspective. According to a cycle, theory attains the peak position. With the task of assessing the effectiveness of the goal accomplishment, I can tag it as hypothetical. The major drive behind this is to establish essential linkages between the positive and negative aspects of my goal setting and observation on the recruitment and selection process. The projection for the perspective of the previous sentence is as follows: H0: Setting goals after observing the needs and requirements of the company would aggravate my difficulties in terms of carrying out the recruitment and selection process H1: After observing the ongoing crisis of the company, setting goals would enable me to execute the tasks in an efficient and effective manner. Acting according to identified goals is my performance of the actual research through which I can gift talented minds to the company for its betterment. Adopting an integrated structure for the execution of the plans regarding the recruitment helps me to experiment the developed hypothesis. Selecting the candidates whose profiles match with the requirements of the company and evaluating the selection is my reflection on the action. Delving deep into the aspect, evaluating after sending 4-5 candidates for interview is my reflection in the action, rather the actual time of my performing the action. Consideration of the results of this performance for observing my behavior in the recruiting the desirable candidates would alter the goals, which I had set prior to the initiation of the activities. Each and every component of the cycle is interrelated, rather complementary. Absence of hypothesis would not help me in projecting the positive and negative aspects of the applied theoretical approach. This absence acts as an obstacle for me to carry out the tasks according to the plans. Failure in terms of carrying out the tasks attaches a negative connotation to the aspects of observation. Therefore each and every aspect is needed for achieving perfection in the field in which I am employed. I think here, eager and conscious approach is needed at each step for applying keen observation. Here, I can say that the attitude of consciousness helps me to carry out the tasks in an efficient and effective manner. I can expose this attitude only if I possess enough maturity to think rationally about doing the recruitment and selection process. Hypothetical research along with keen observation enhances my imaginative power, which helps me to develop new strategies for selecting and recruitin g the right candidate. According to one of the other cycle, theory maintains its position. If I use a theory to make estimations regarding the number of candidates I would select, it is my hypothetical approach towards the recruitment and selection. This is in reference to the positive and negative thoughts related to my contribution towards enhancement of the future of the aspirant candidates. Calling the shortlisted candidates for interview is transforming my thoughts into action. Herein lays the appropriateness of the stage of experimentation. Involving the selected candidates in group discussions can be one of the other examples of experimenting with my plans. Application of keen observation regarding the results of this discussion helps me to assess the appropriateness of the hypothetical approach, which I adopted at the initial stage. I think if I take the step of observation directly after applying a particular theory, it would help me in judging the effectiveness of the applied theory. If I apply this approach, I think I can save a lot of time for carrying out the other tasks. In view of this perspective, the aspects of prediction and experiment gets lagged behind. Countering this, I can say that estimations regarding the proposed plans bring all the components of the cycle in the same alignment. According to construct validity, our thoughts and emotions possess a cause- effect outcome (refer to Appendix 1). We think about a certain issue, under the influence of the surroundings. Thoughts in this direction attain shape, when their effects come before us. If I start the activities related to recruitment and selection without making any plans, I would obviously achieve negative outcomes. Generalizing the concepts, which I plan, turns the status of my performance into program centric, which in case of particularity is cause and effect centric. Introducing several policies regarding recruitment and selection is my approach towards the role that I am offered. Observing the implications of the implemented policies on the candidates and the company as a whole is what I am visualizing. Modifying my performance according to these observations adds value to this visualization. Countering this, I can observe the performance of the company and then introduce programs and policies for altering the business scenario. Typical examples in this direction are insurance policies for the candidates, promise regarding standard appraisals for the performance exposed by the employees among others. Along with this, inclusion of crisis management resolutions, anti-discrimination policies reflects my keen observation towards the events and happenings, which is essential for maintaining the order and decorum of the workplace. Pondering upon the aspects of constructs and validity, constructive approach towards the selecting the candidates validates my actions. This example ties both the aspects in the same thread. Along with this, effective and judicious utilization of the ideas, concepts and thoughts formed concretizes my construction of plans and programs for achieving efficiency in the process of recruitment and selection process. Viewing it from other perspective, this efficiency is brightens the predicament of the parameter of the company. Along with this, it also upgrades my personal character as a HR Manager. I think this upgradation is the outcome of keen observation and experimentation with the preconceived knowledge and approach towards carrying out the recruitment and selection process. Active observation of the body language and expression of the candidates while explaining them the basic norms helps me in evaluating their performance. On the contrary, reflecting on my performance through video recording of the interview process would expose me to my actual performance. This action bears similarity with interaction between the selves. This is the philosophical and internal relationship between the self and the other self. My ordinary self is the projection of my identity, where I just sway away with the usual occurings of the company. My other self is my traits where I, through evaluating and observation, attempt to alter the plight of the company as well as the candidates through the introduction of policies and beneficial programs. In between lays my persistent attempts to alter my personality, so that I can lure the candidates towards the company. Not only this, application of effective management skills need to be applied for fulfilling the identified and the specified requirements. Along with this, observation of the performance of the selected candidates through consistent observation and evaluation would enhance my personality in terms of achieving personal development through professional development. Reviewing all the headings of the assignment, the heading setting goals for future can be placed in the ultimate position. This is in reference to the assessment of the hypothetical approach towards the applied theories. Herein lays the true essence of observation, which beautifies my future lives as well as career. References Ay, F.A., Karakaya, A. and Yilmaz, K., 2015. Relations between self-leadership and critical thinking skills.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,207, pp.29-41. 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